Season's Greetings Be TireWise Training Calendar How to Request Training Check out the Winter 2019 AZ Milepost Newsletter!
Arizona DOT Deploys 25 New 'High-Tech' Snow Plows Targeted Work Zone Engagement Framework Guidance Document NHTSA Communication Calendar Roadway Departure Safety Road Scholar Graduates For all
Focus on Reducing Rural Roadway  Departures Short Span Steel Bridge Alliance Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) Pull Aside! Stay Alive! For all that and more visit the AZ LTAP
What does 1273 mean to you? Road Rules while driving in work zones... New FHWA webinar series starts in April May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month!  For all that and more, check out
Learn more about National Work Zone Awareness Week-April 9-13, 2018 NWZAW is an important time to show your support of the roadway safety industry, especially to the families of victims who have
To comply with the new reflective requirements, public agencies have implemented and continue to use an assessment or management method that is designed to maintain traffic sign retro reflectivity at
Visit the Fall Milepost Newsletter to learn more about 30 years of LTAP, request training, the Myths of Roundabouts and Traffic Circles, and more!
Visit the Spring Mileposts newsletter to learn more about National Workzone Awareness Week, Steel Buried Bridges, and more!

Newsletter issued in the Fall of 2016 with focus on the FAST Act Summary.


Local public agencies (LPA), which include city, county, and municipal departments of transportation, will soon have a new resource to help improve understanding and compliance with the requirements